Thursday, March 17, 2011

Flea Control Tips

Fleas also known as cat fleas are small parasites that feed off the blood of your pet not only annoying, but his own blood. It is possible to find that fleas have laid their eggs almost anywhere and everywhere they in or out, for the moment, your carpet furniture, and your front and back yards as well as the bed. Therefore, it is likely that an infestation of fleas and their eggs is very high. To determine if your animal has fleas, you tell-tale signs of fleas on your dog, for example, excrement of fleas are dark, curly dots, specks of flea dirt which is called also should look for.

The flea dirt or excrement black specks, digested blood that has a reddish brown appearance when wet, and found the best with your pet while a white sheet or cloth while you brush through his coat to keep the remains of which are. A dark coat dogs that you have a magnifying glass to search for flea eggs, as they will give your pet's coat will require in the form of Russian.

Dangers of Fleas

Not just your pet for fleas are very disturbing and myself, he is also a health risk, and in both animals and humans can cause an allergic reaction. some may be allergic to fleas in a big hug, a little nervous as fleabite started out, but the painful area becomes infected that easily or quickly on both animals and humans as well as heal them is not. Fleas also have an allergic reaction, skin irritation, which leads to inflammation of the skin such as hair loss, due to the FAD or flea allergy dermatitis is said to be as well. Fleas are also for them tapeworms, which cause cramps and gas crisis and more infamous for its ability to transmit. In some cases, blood loss due to severe anemia may experience for your dog. In this case, if your dog is young or disabled it may be fatal.

Prevention of flea infestation

It is possible that the fleas in a vacuum cleaner bag to put flea powder into your vacuum cleaner, exterminate. However, the use of a monthly topical as well as home to protect you against fleas is an easy way cheaper. Frontline Plus and Bio Spot fight two current brands that most of the fleas as well as available is recommended. Since more than one foot at a time for fleas are not able to jump, you place them on a high place or their offenses to consider raising their fleas in the private sector can help to discourage are. Keep in mind that the best competitors of fleas is water, so you wash all areas as possible, such as where a dog must be turning in his backyard. Also, you should see that there are areas that contact with wild grass or a small as possible, it will minimize the possibility of a flea infestation. When you care for all areas, trimmed and clear of brush and bramble you garden, yard, or kennel, as should.

It includes a flea comb your home pet grooming kit is essential. A flea comb should be used often when grooming your animal. A flea comb has fine, soft bristles that will catch that fleas. Around your pet's head and hindquarters begin searching for fleas, because it is an area where fleas and their flea dirt can usually be found. When a flea is caught, it should be immediately immersed in soapy water. Also, since the fleas from successful and best able to survive in hot conditions it is best to use flea control products year-round working. However, you should also note that their eggs or pupa stage, during the cold season a flea, the eggs, larvae, pupa, and pupa to adult stage to become inactive due to the increase in life is made of can be, laying in wait for a warm period to hatch out.


The first step to a parasite-free pet is to give it a flea bath. However, since most flea products also be careful to consult your veterinarian for a flea products should follow all the instructions are hard for puppies label if your puppy has fleas. Even a flea bath to relieve itching and burning, but does a flea bath after a flea bath really do not protect the animal as your pet should not stop at shampooing can.

However, it is not recommended by most veterinarians, fleas after treatment for a while to keep an alternative is to use a flea dip. With the use of flea dip the dog lick it, swallow or a flea dip after treatment after eating a flea dip fleas animals coat is a good long time is likely. Alternatively, you can choose a flea collar. You must keep in mind that flea collars only kill fleas in the dog's neck face work, nor should your entire body. Also, some dogs develop a rash by wearing a flea collar flea collar has shown signs of being allergic to. When you also consider that perhaps his dog collar that dog flea medallions can contaminate drinking water and thereby make the sick should hang loose.

Fortunately, flea powders and sprays that you can use for your home and your dog a great many options. Although you care to any kind of flea treatment for the complete instructions to read before you use need to find out who is who. Remember that your home for your pet flea treatments and products that your pet is put on as strong as those you use on inanimate objects are not used to strong. Also, keep in mind that your own home and at the same time two or three different flea control products on your dog to use the pet is toxic to your dog sick from chemical poisoning, do not want to.

It is essential that your home as well as your pet can be treated when there is an abundance of fleas. Methoprene Fenoxycarb and flea sprays are two active ingredients that are safe and efficient in dealing of fleas included. The adult fleas as they do have the ability to stop the growth of flea eggs. Since the flea sprays are very strong, it is highly recommended that your animal is out of the house is being treated must have a good idea to clean yourself when you breathe in your home spraying of a protective mask to use. Thankfully, some products an IGR or insect growth regulators blow as the adult fleas, are designed with the purpose, as they can kill flea larvae and eggs.

However, that before applying flea control products, you always have to vacuum your furniture and carpet flea larvae and eggs from their cocoons should wake up.

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